How to Save Internet Data Pack by Avoiding Ads on the Sites - Block YouTube Ad, Facebook Ad etc .

Hi Welcome to NEPTivity ! Today I am going to talk about Ads on sites and way to blocks those Ads and save our internet data packs . If you are reading this article means you have access to the internet and you are the user of different sites like Facebook,YouTube ,twitter and many more . You must have seen Ads on different sites like Facebook, YouTube right . Now, here is the point when you browse YouTube videos along with that Ads also get browsed and as we all know for browsing anything on the internet our data pack will reduce . That means we are reducing our internet data pack even for unwanted Ads while browsing on the internet .So, if we can block those Ads to appear on the sites we are browsing then we can save some amount of data from reducing unwantedly . And also by blocking Ads our Browsing speed will increase as our browser need not have to browse some extra amount of Ads data .There are many Ad-block browser extension  but according to me Adblock plus is the best one . Instruction to use Adsblock plus is written below :

Follow the Steps :

## For Chrome Browser .

  • Click here .
  • Click on Add to chrome .
  • Done - Now close your browser and start it again . 

## For Mozilla Browser .

  • Click here .
  • Click on Add to Firefox.
  • Done - Now close your browser and start it again .

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If  you  have any problem regarding this trick than please fell free to comment below . Surly i will comment back to help you 

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